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1553 La Biblia de Ferrara Facsimile

The Ferrara Bible, a word-for-word translation from the Hebrew Tanakh into Ladino (a Judeo-Spanish dialect) became a vital resource for the Sephardim living under persecution during the Inquisition. Its translation style also had an indirect influence on later Spanish Bible translations because of its focus on accuracy and the use of clear, understandable language.

Our 1553 La Biblia de Ferrara Facsimile is a faithful representation of the historic work by two courageous men -- translator Abraham Usque (Duarte Pinel), and financier and typesetter Yom-Tob ben Levi Athias (Jerónimo de Vargas) -- preserving its original typography and layout in a high-quality, leather bound reproduction of the original text.

Full title: Biblia en lengua Española traduzida palabra por palabra de la verdad Hebrayca por muy excelentes letrados vista y examinada por el officio de la Inquisicion. Con privilegio del Ylustríssimo Señor Duque de Ferrara.

(in English: Bible in the Spanish language translated word by word from the Hebrew truth by very excellent scholars seen and examined by the office of the Inquisition. With the privilege of the Most Honorable Duke of Ferrara.)

Product Dimensions: 9.5" wide x 3" deep x 13" high

Product Weight: 8.5lb.

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